As you prayerfully consider becoming a member of First Baptist Dublin, please take a moment to look over the information below. Those wishing to join may come forward during the invitation time of our services to present themselves as candidates for membership. All candidates must evidence/profess previous conversion and baptism by immersion. All considering membership are strongly encouraged to meet with our pastor to discuss membership, its commitments, and to have their questions answered. You may request a meeting with the pastor by completing the form below or calling the church office at (478) 272-1455.


  1. Conversion, through repentance from sin and faith in Christ as Savior and Lord, presenting one's self as a candidate for baptism by immersion.

  2. Transfer of letter from a Baptist church of life faith and practice, affirming previous conversion and baptism by immersion.

  3. Statement of faith affirming previous conversion and baptism by immersion, if joining from another denomination.


First Baptist Dublin is a family of born again (saved), baptized Christ-followers. Members enter a covenant relationship with their local congregation when they join. They do so with an understanding that membership entails both privileges and responsibilities. Members seek to live Gospel-centered lives, sharing their faith with others so that souls are saved and disciples are made.


Baptists affirm doctrinal beliefs that followers of Jesus Christ have always held to be essential to the Christian faith. "The Baptist Faith and Message 2000" is our church's guiding doctrinal statement. It can be accessed by clicking the link below.

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